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Elevate your investor relations with kmkmkm IR Widgets integration

Effortlessly integrate essential IR tools and content with your existing website, providing investors with real-time access to crucial information about your company.


Investor engagement made easy

Our IR Widgets allow you to seamlessly integrate essential investor relations tools and content into your existing website, ensuring investors have easy access to critical information about your company.

With Inderes IR Widgets, you can enrich your website with up-to-date financial data, stock information, and relevant content from the Inderes platform, connecting over 75,000 active investors across the Nordics.

Tailored integration

Our IR Widgets are designed to blend seamlessly with your existing website, ensuring a consistent brand experience for your visitors.


Nordic reach extraordinaire

By integrating Inderes IR Widgets, you can tap into a vast community of Nordic investors and provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions about your company.

Accessable with web browser and telephone dial-in
Do-it-yourself or turnkey delivery of audience friendly, interactive quarterly results events delivered to global audiences in the web, accessible also with telephone call lorem ipsum aina ei saa sitä mitä.
Unique player with video and/or audio, and indexed slides
Do-it-yourself or turnkey delivery of audience friendly, interactive quarterly results events delivered to global audiences in the web, accessible also with telephone call lorem ipsum aina ei saa sitä mitä.
Use a branded event link or embed to your own IR site
Do-it-yourself or turnkey delivery of audience friendly, interactive quarterly results events delivered to global audiences in the web, accessible also with telephone call lorem ipsum aina ei saa sitä mitä.

Inderes IR Widgets in action


Shareholder Information

Provide your investors with an updated list of your company's top shareholders, helping them understand the ownership structure of your company.


Stock Information

Display key stock data, including price, volume, and market capitalization, ensuring your investors have access to up-to-date information.

Revenio_video-1 Content Integration

Enrich your website with Inderes-generated content, including company IR events, analyst reports, forecast updates, video interviews and more.


Investor Sentiment Tracking

Understand the sentiment of your investors with real-time tracking of feedback and sentiment data, comparing your company's performance with industry peers.

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Case Finnair AGM 2023

In the spring of 2023, Finnair, with assistance from Inderes, held its first in-person Annual General Meeting in three years. I had the opportunity to meet with their team and conduct an interview about the event. What initially started as a conversation focused on the Finnair 2023 AGM evolved into an engaging discussion about the current landscape of shareholder engagement and the future of AGMs.

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